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Services #deli berar

At #deliberar we provide mental health care and develop strategies and tools to reduce the risks and damages associated with the use of psychoactive substances or drugs. Discover each of them in detail below

Assessment of consumption of legal and illegal substances

Consult with a health professional and you will be able to obtain information about the substance you consume, the effects in the immediate, medium and long term, the risk and harm reduction strategies that you can implement, you will also be able to know if you have a problematic use and what can do to fix it.


This consultation can be in person in the city of Bogotá or virtual.

Psychological accompaniment

Access psychological counseling to avoid risks and damages due to the problematic use of psychoactive substances or drugs with our health professionals.


This consultation can be in person in the city of Bogotá or virtual.

Family counseling

Receive guidance on how to handle a psychoactive substance use situation within the family.


This consultation can be in person in the city of Bogotá or virtual.

Consulte con un profesional en psicología sobre su consumo de sustancias psicoactivas (legales e ilegales), salud física y mental. En esta consulta realizaremos una entr...
45 min
Reserve su cita con un profesional en la salud, quien lo orientará en cualquier asunto de salud mental o para la gestión de su consumo de sustancias psicoactivas. Adquier...
1 h
Reserve su cita con un profesional en la salud, quien lo orientará en cualquier asunto de salud mental o para la gestión de su consumo de sustancias psicoactivas. Adquier...
1 h
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